Staurodesmus Teiling

The species are unicellular, the sides of the semicell are extended laterally into angles which end in a spine, mucron, wart or papilla. The cell wall is smooth or punctate but never granular or aculeate. Many species are planktic. (Croasdale, H., Flint, E. & Racine, M. 1994. Flora of New Zealand Desmids III. - Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd.)

Staurodesmus cuspidatus (Bréb.) Teiling
Dimensions: L. 22–35 µm, B. 18–30 µm without processes. Coesel 1994, Lenzenweger 1997, Teiling 1967. Compare also Teiling´s historical review of Std. cuspidatus versus Std. mamillatus (Teiling op. cit. p. 532).

Staurodesmus indentatus (West) Teiling
Dimensions: L. 20–44 µm, B. 18–28 µm. Processes 13–35 µm. Teiling 1967.

Staurodesmus mamillatus var. maximus (Nordst.) Teiling
Dimensions: L. 18–40 µm, B. 15–28 µm. Processes 15–32 µm. Teiling 1967. Coesel 1994 and Lenzenweger 1997 include Std. mamillatus in the Std. cuspidatus complex because of unclear separation of characters.

Staurodesmus sellatus Teiling
Dimensions: L. 19–30 µm, B. 15–25 µm. Processes 20–36 µm. The spines are always stout with a rather thick base. Teiling 1967.

Staurodesmus triangularis (Lagerh.) Teiling var. limneticus Teiling
Dimensions: L. 17–30 µm, B. 20–26 µm. Processes up to 40 µm. Teiling 1967.